Saturday, May 15, 2010

Elements of Design

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On a side note ...

117 5th Avenue Southwest, Minot, ND

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Fourth World

This notion is not a new one but this time it is a definite plan which I intend to carry out. I have worked it out carefully and I am thrilled by the idea. Naturally I feel nervous, but the pleasure of anticipation is great.
I do seem to remember a process where you people ask me questions and I give you answers, and then I ask you questions and you give me answers, and that's the way we find out things. I think I read that in a manual somewhere.

The next time I write in this diary I may be dead.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Find The Crack

We tried our best to stop this from ever happening again.

You have no idea who resides amongst us, or what they have created.

Man should never tamper with unknown elements.

We all make mistakes, but some cannot be repaired, or shoveled under a carpet.

Sakura, I miss you.

We should die together.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who I Are

This is the room in which I currently reside.

This is what I see out my window.