Among the items gathered from my place of residence, I am pleased to have been once again connected to the outside world via my LapTop. Thank you all for your support during this time of malady.
An infection is the detrimental colonization of a host organism by a foreign species. In an infection, the infecting organism seeks to utilize the host's resources to multiply, usually at the expense of the host. The infecting organism, or pathogen, interferes with the normal functioning of the host and can lead to chronic wounds, gangrene, loss of an infected limb, and even death.

Hey, sweety, i'm worried; we haven't heard from you in 4 days. I hope you are recuperating. I just thought I'd let you know that the doctors @ YMR have probably developed some marine biotechnology drug that help with sme of the symptoms you were having. They've been working on some antibiotics & stuff. Hope to hear from you soon xoxo
it's a shame you didn't have any Manuka Honey handy. I hear it will heal bite wounds....
Sakura=Cherry Blossom? ornamental cherry blossom tree and its blossoms. Sakura is indigenous to many Asian states including: China, Japan and Korea. It is the flower most beloved by the Japanese. Because cherry blossoms have short blooming times and are fragile, they have been used to symbolize the transience of life. Fallen blossoms, not to be ignored, are likened to snow and later, as a metaphor for a warrior killed early in life.
Warrior, as in Clovie is dead?
Stop with the BS simpdawg!!! You're starting to sound like the strangers who are sending me messages. What happened back then is not funny! Can we stop talkin about it & focus on finding Hal?!?!
Did you or Hal or anyone you know for that matter drink Slusho?
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