Thursday, June 24, 2010

Set Pics ... Continued.

Take a look at me now ...

While Hal is gone, other members of the "crew" will take over this blog.


Jas said...
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Jas said...

Let me try to figure this out. Hal, you posted these new set pics, but you tell us that your away and other crew members have taken over? Those crew memebers are responsible? What the hell is going on here? Because of the crew members, I have to sit back and watch my friend suffer and she doesn't deserve this! Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will have to find out my own and I will find the truth!

Anonymous said...

Jas, my sweetness, believe it or not I am feeling better. When I'm done recuperating I'll be able to tell you how I managed to escape the same terrible fate as Hal.

BTW Someone else may have taken over the blog but I don't believe that Hal is gone.

Wait for IT.

Tom Martin said...

SAKURA! Your O.K.! I haven't been able to reach Thad. I'm worried. Do you know what's going on?

Glad your feeling better!

-Chickenguy 12

Jas said...

It's good to have you back Sakura. Yes, I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I do agree that even though someone else took over Hals blog, he is still out there and I know that when he finds out your doing better, he is going to come for you! So rest up my friend and I will see you on the flipside very 500N!
Chickenguy12, do me a favor and watch your back. Be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious behavior. The virus is still out there lurking. Thad will be found, lets just hope he still alive.